I like creepy crawlies. I'm not the kind of person who will run a mile if an insect scuttles past; I’m much more likely to pick it up and inspect it more closely. So yesterday I decided to wander around the garden and see how many spiders I could find. And I can conclude that they are absolutely everywhere. I can also conclude that they are not that bright, as several seemed to go to huge amounts of effort to build beautifully-crafted webs directly behind those of other spiders, thus guaranteeing that no flies could possibly come their way. Many more decided to set up home on the doors of an old shed, piling layer upon layer of sticky yarn over the door handle and hinges. Again, a position where catching bugs is unlikely.
In fact, they seemed to be making such a concerted effort to prevent the shed from ever being opened again that it left me wondering if there’s something inside that the spiders don't want us to see. Maybe they're not so stupid after all...

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