Tuesday, 3 November 2009

That's a lot of leg!

I found this creature on the outside wall of the house yesterday and thought 'surely that amount of leg can't be necessary?'! The little critter is a harvestman, a type of arachnid that differs from spiders as its body comprises only one segment; the head, thorax and abdomen being melded together. It also possesses a mere two eyes as opposed to the spider's eight, and can't produce the silk needed to make webs. Birds are one of the harvestman's main predators, but to help deter them it can secrete a substance from the base of each front leg that smells really bad (if you happen to be a sparrow or a blue tit). It also relies on raw speed to help avoid becoming another creature's next meal - enormous legs and minimal body weight come in handy for this! Interestingly, it sheds its exoskeleton every ten days or so, like a snake shedding its skin. Harvestmen are normally nocturnal, but nonetheless it is still quite possible to see them out and about during the day. If you do spot one, try to resist picking it up as if you do, one of its legs will probably fall off.

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